Friday, April 1, 2011

Left-over smiles

This is a poem that I wrote a few years ago.  It must have been something I was feeling at the time and needed to process.  As the last of 8 children in my family, I think I've always felt a little invisible - like an after thought somehow.  I know that I am not the only one with these feelings.  So many people have them.  I hope that this poem blesses you today.

Left-Over Smiles

Have you ever received a left-over smile,
One meant for someone else then just held over for awhile?
Has someone every waved at you then quickly stopped
Because you weren't the good friend they had thought?

Have you ever felt invisible, unsought & unseen
Like the last kid picked to play on the team?
What would it matter if you weren't even there -
Would anyone notice?  Would anyone care?

You know what it's like to feel abandoned, alone.
You've felt the sting of rejection - it cut to the bone.
But you weren't all alone - it was a big lie.
For if you weren't important then why did He die?

Jesus, God's only son, left heaven to come to earth -
Heaven's darling come to us through a virgin birth.
He was born in a dirty stable in the town of Bethlehem,
The reason that He came was to die to save all men.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son;
For God so loved you - you are His precious one.
You are important and you are cherished.
If you simply believe this, you will never perish.

You will never look at Him and see a left-over smile.
His gaze is fixed on you.  You are His precious child.
So when people around you don't seem to notice or care,
Remember your Father, who adores you, is always right there.

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