Sunday, June 12, 2011

Too Much

The son is overwhelmed by his Father's unconditional love and questions whether he deserves it.  Is it too much?


Father, I don't deserve this
My brother is right - I should be shunned.
Is there room in the servants quarters?
I'll stay there - it is good enough.

You don't know what I've said,
Where I've been, What I've done.
I am not good enough to come into your home.
I don't deserve this, it is too much.

I am not worthy,  not even close.
I have disgraced you, even cursed you.
I walked away from you.  I left you.
You don't know, my mistakes are many.

Father, you are too good and I am nothing.
I don't deserve this lavish love.
I don't deserve your forgiveness.
I don't know if I can accept it,
But I will.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Party in the House

When his son came home, the Father called for a PARTY!!!  God loves it when one of his children returns home.


There's a party in the Father's House.
My son has come home!  He's here!
Break out the best china.  Invite the clan.
Prepare the best of the best, 'cause  he's here!

Turn up the music!  Pour the wine!
Put on the best clothes you own.
We're pulling out all the stops, 'cause he's here!
My son is home!  He's here!

There will be dancing and singing.
The roof will shake.  The neighbors will talk.
But I don't care, 'cause he's here!
I'm over-joyed!  He's here!

I love my son.  I've missed him so much.
No words could describe my grief.
But now my tears have turned to laughter.
My grief has turned to joy, 'cause he's here!

My son is home!  He's here!

Luke 15:10

" . . . that's the kind of party God's angels throw every time one lost soul turns to God."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Prodigal Father Responds With Open Arms

As the child returns home - the Father greets him with open arms and unconditional love & acceptance.


Child you've come!  You've finally come!
Here I am, waiting still.
I love you so much - more than you know.
Come into my arms,
I love you!

Open arms.  Open arms.  Open arms of love.
No condemnation.  No disappointment.
Only celebration and tears of joy.
I don't care where you've been, child -
I'm just glad you are here!

Open arms.  Come into my open arms.
Don't try to hide your dirtiness - just come!
Don't hesitate and wonder what I think - just come.
Don't wait another second - just come.

I am running to you, child, with open arms.
I've seen you coming from far away.
I will stop at nothing to embrace you,
To pull you tight and tell you I love you!
I'm so glad you are here.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Child's Response to the Prodigal Father

The next verse is a response to the Father's plea for the child to come Home.  The child has a hard time accepting the Father's unconditional love and questions the Father's heart, just like we all do so many times, but finally chooses to trust.


Lord, are you real?  God, do you care?
Don't you see me struggling all alone?
Can I trust you?  Do you really care?
I don't know.  I don't know!

Life is full of messages - too many to count.
They all sound good, they could be true.
Do I believe them?  Do I trust you?
What should I do?  I don't know!

I've tried so many things - some good, some bad.
None of them change me.  None of them save me.
I still feel hopeless, lost, alone.
Are you the answer?  Dare I hope?

I don't know, Lord, but I'm choosing to hope.
I'm going to trust.  I will believe!
I choose your way.  I choose your truth.
I give my life to you.

Now I know!  I know it's true!
I feel it deep inside of me.  I feel light.
I feel free!  What just happened?
I know now, Lord.  You are real!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Prodigal Father

I have heard it said that the story in the Bible that most people call the Prodigal Son should be called the Prodigal Father because Prodigal means extravagant.  I like that spin on the story.  A few years ago I wrote a series of verses based on the story of the Prodigal Father.  I wrote it as a dialogue between God and His wayward child.  It starts off with God's plea for his child to return home to His loving embrace.  I have come to know this tender, vulnerable God who loves us more than we can ever imagine.  It breaks my heart to see people who still don't understand how much He loves us.  I believe He sings a similar song to all who still don't understand His extravagant love.


I feel sorrow as I watch you struggling,
Facing life all on your own.
I've been calling, waiting for you to come to me,
But still you walk away, you walk away.

Can you hear me?  Can you see me?
Do you know that I am real, I am here?
I see my beautiful child wandering all alone,
Again I call.  I speak your name.

Do you hear me?  Do you see me?
I am here child.  I am here.
Do you hear me in the thunder? 
Do you feel me in the rain?
I am here.

I have loved you with an everlasting love.
I sing over you with gentle words of grace.
I have been waiting all your life for you to come to me,
I am here child - waiting,
I will never turn away. 
I am Here.